Now, a Pause that Refreshes…


Victoria and Kristine will both be on the road for the next week or so…


Back in a jiffy…

For information on the Wellington Tour to London, Kent, Hampshire and Berkshire
September 4-14, 2014

3 thoughts on “Now, a Pause that Refreshes…”

  1. Hello to both of you after a long gap. I do admire your devotion to Wellington, the Georgians and the Regency. Your upcoming tour is very complete and I'm sure it will give you much pleasure.

    You'll be staying in Reading, so I do hope there will be a space in your programme when I can pop along and say hello – and perhaps take you to the Abbey Gateway and the remains of the school attended by Jane and Cassandra Austen… and a bit more local tourism if you are well and not shattered by your tourist schedule.

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