The Strange Death of . . . .

From The Gentleman’s Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, Volume 79, Part 1

Deaths. 1808
March 19. Aged 18, Miss Bradshaw, of Yarwell, near Wansford. She had been abruptly informed of the death of a younger brother at Crowland (who had been on a visit to her but a few days before); which had such an effect on her as to occasion her death in a few hours.
Aged 70, Mrs. Edwards, an infirm widow lady, residing at the house of Mr. Aldrich, postmaster, at Enstone, Co. Oxford. She was burnt to death in her own apartment. When discovered, her body was consumed to a cinder; and so rapid was the progress of the flames, that very little of the furniture could be saved, and the house was burnt to the ground. It is supposed the accident was occasioned by Mrs. F.’s cloaths catching fire.
22. Mr. Ricketts, who fought a duel on Lemon common, Herts, on the 13th, with a Mr. Wright, and who was wounded in the thigh. He died in consequence of a mortification, having refused to undergo amputation of the limb.
23. Found drowned in the Thames, above Vauxhall, J. Meyhurst, an Italian, butler to Mrs. Seret, of Chelsea. He had been missing several days; and for some time previous had appeared in a desponding way, which proves to have arisen from an embarrassment in his accounts. Upwards of 20/. in notes and cash were found in his pockets.
Aged 57, Mr. Ingram, tailor, of Northampton. He was attending a meeting assembled for religious exercise early in the morning, a practice which he had observed with punctuality for some years, when he suddenly dropped down, and expired without a struggle. By some expressions which fell from him the day previous to his decease, he appeared to have taken his leave of the world, and to have had some presentiment of the near approach of his dissolution.
25. Mr. Neighbour, a farmer, near Maidenhead. On his return home, after spending the evening at the Bell with some friends, be lost his way, the night being dark, fell into the Thames, and was found in it, about a fortnight afterwards, near Windsor.
27. — Bates, a labouring man. While going to his work, at Hoxton, and talking cheerfully to a fellow-labourer, he dropped down, and instantly expired.
29. Isaac Edney, a lad residing in the Holloway near Bath, was found smothered in the snow. He had been driving a horse and cart; and the animal being prevented from proceeding by the great depth of snow, it is supposed he had alighted to endeavour to extricate it, but, unable either to effect his purpose or regain his seat, perished.
A child, the eldest of five, belonging to — Higgs, a wool-comber at Leicester, being left in the care of other children whilst the parents went to market, incautiously fell asleep with a candle in her lap, and was so miserably burnt as to occasion her death in a few hours.
In the Newington-road, Miss Charlotte Hachel, a young lady from Lincolnshire; whose death was occasioned by failing off the outside of a stage-coach, in consequence of the sudden jerk of the vehicle.
April 8 In Charlotte-str. Portland-place, Lieut Col. Henry Knight, on half-pay. In consequence of a nervous fever, he had become deranged, aud had been attended by Dr. Simmons; but was thought better, and. was living again with his family, when this morning, during the absence of his servant, he threw himself out of a backroom window, and survived the fall but three quarters of an hour.
April 20 Mr. Isaac Hester, a gentleman of independent property, who resided in Northampton-place, Mary-le-bone-road. His body was found in a Held near Newington, in a putrid state, with the head half severed from it, by some boys who were seeking bird-nests. He had been some in a state of dejection bordering on insanity, and effected his escape on the 9th. It was evident he had commited suicide with a knife, which was found in his band closely grasped.
21. At her residence in Half-moon-street, Piccadilly, Miss Cummins, daughter of a gentleman of fortune in the West Indies, and, with a sister and brother, living at the house of an uncle. She had returned with a party from the Opera the preceding night; and, on retiring to her dressing-room, the candle communicated to her muslin-dress. Her shrieks brought other young persons from the drawing-room to her assistance, but not till her garments were reduced to tinder. She lingered in torture till this evening.
24  Mrs. Ford, of Sidbury, Worcestershire, one of the people called Quakers. Her death was occasioned by circumstances peculiarly distressing: she had taken her child to an eminent surgeon, to have a swelling on the throat lanced; when the operation was about to be performed she fainted through terror, and almost instantaneously expired.
27. By taking laudanum, Mrs. Farwell, a widow lady, of Wilson-buildings, Hampstead-road. The loss of her husband, who died about twelve months since, and that of a daughter about a fortnight ago, preyed on her mind, and is supposed to have led to the melancholy event.
30 Aged 103, Richard Williams, of Boddewran, in the parish of Honeglwys, co. Anglesea; who had been blind upwards of six years, but whose sight was restored a short time before his death; and he had also four new teeth.

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