Atlantis Resort, Bahamas

Last week, I went with my mother, Rose, and my daughter, Brooke, to the Atlantis Resort in Nassau, Bahamas. We enjoyed a few days of sun, water and food, not to mention marine life.

Our hotel room had gorgeous views of both the ocean and the shark pool, which was just beneath our balcony.

It didn’t take long for us to begin exploring the grounds, where Brooke soon came across a waterfall.

And yet another shark pool – this one with the species that bite. Here they are circling for food.
We spent a good portion of our time circling for food, as well. Here are Rose and Brooke at the buffet breakfast. The nearby windows offered us the view of the feeding sharks.

One night we went to Carmine’s, where the portions are huge, rather than delicious.

Above is the fried zucchini appetizer, which was huge and tasty. Below was the veal parm which was huge and tough.

Brooke enjoyed her rack of lamb at the upscale Bahamian Club restaurant.

I chowed down on massive prime rib served on a sizzling platter. Dr. Atkins would have been proud.

We took some time out from eating in order to venture into town to the straw market, where piracy is still alive and well – knock-off designer bags are the hot items here. I bought three.

I should confess that the only nod I gave to British history during the trip was when we passed by Parliament Square in the taxi.

Needless to say, a good time was had by all. More on our Bahamian adventures soon.

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