Never let it be said that I didn’t celebrate the 450th anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare in 1564.  Victoria here, with some embarrassing admissions.  Last April, I was still in Florida packing to return to Milwaukee so the date celebrated in Stratford-on-Avon, April 23, which may or may not be his actual natal day — passed me by without even the perusal of a sonnet or two.

William Shakespeare 1564-1616

I was busy all summer with family and preparation for our trip to France and tour of England…so I managed to miss Shakespeare in the Park, annual performances here in Milwaukee, plus I didn’t get to Spring Green, WI, for the American Players Theatre – always excellent and frequently Shakespeare.

But I did see some Shakespeare in Paris!  SEE being the relevant verb.   Didn’t hear any! One morning we visited the Musée Delacroix where an exhibition of Shakespeare works by artist Eugène Delacroix was on display.  The museum is small, but since it is located in his studio — atelier — it is a special treat.

Eugène Delacroix  (1798-1863)
1865 sculpture by Antoine Etex (1808-1888)
 Delacroix self portrait as Ravenswood (Scott) — or possibly Hamlet
Museum image , c. 1821
On loan from the musée du Louvre Departments of Paintings

Romeo and Juliet
Hamlet and the ghost
The exhibition had many of the plates created by Delacroix for his illustrations of Shakespeare’s works, to which the French artist was dedicated.
Studio from the Garden
Delacroix Studio Garden
Place de Furstenberg, near the musée Delacroix 

Can I count walking past the Globe in London last August? Well, not really, though I have visited it several times on other trips.

From the sublime to the ridiculous, I s
ort of closed out the 450th anniversary of Will’s birth by attending a hilarious version of:

Yes, Virginia, there is a Shakespeare!
The four actors who cavorted through this performance of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised) were inspired — by Will or by the tradition of slapstick I am not sure.

Will and friend
Taking bows at the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
Well, I admit these few events are a pretty pitiful commemoration of the 450th — but I’ll have another chance at proving my delight in the bard in 2016 — the 400th anniversary of his death.  

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