What Are You Reading? Contest Winner!

Linda, who is reading The Heretic’s Wife, is our contest winner! Thanks to all who participated – look for another contest soon. Linda, please email us using the link in the left sidebar and provide your mailing address. We’ll get the books out to you this week.

Victoria and Kristine here, in a rather nosey mood. We want to know what you’re reading. Let us know by leaving us a comment that includes a link to the book and also let us know if you give the book a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Short reviews would also be welcome. One lucky winner will receive a copy of these two books, which we have just read:

The winner will be chosen on Monday, April 29th
Good Luck!

6 thoughts on “What Are You Reading? Contest Winner!”

  1. I'm reading The Heretic's Wife by Brenda Rickman Vantrease and it is definitely a big Thumbs Up. A great novel set in the Tudor era when Henry VIII is trying to divorce Katherine, and Thomas More is persecuting the protestants that he calls heretics. The heretic referred to in he title is John Frith, a Bible translator who worked with Wm. Tyndale. Love this book.
    Being technology challenged I don't know how to leave a link. I do well to read blogs on Google Reader and add titles to my Wish List.
    Still hoping for a chance to win your giveaway.

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