Believe It or Not, Regency Version

From The Annual Register for 1811, Chronicle, p. 140-141

December 19, 1811

Greenholme Mill, Yorkshire

“A girl named Martha Stowell, working at a mill at Greenholme, Yorkshire, crossing an adjoining field, slipped and dislocated, or otherwise injured her hip.

Greenholme Close

She was rendered lame and unable to work, and continued in that state for week when her uncle came to fetch her home.

picture by J. B. Long

On her way, riding a single horse between Burley and Ilkley, she met a gig upon the road, at which her horse took fright, threw her, and dragged her a short distance in the stirrup; when disengaged, she got up, and it is added, to the great surprise of herself and her uncle, found herself quite well, and being perfectly able to walk, returned to her work.

Bobbin Girl by Winslow Homer

So, do you believe the story, that the hip was slipped back into place?  And, have you ever fallen off a horse???   Were you hurt?

Victoria says she has fallen off many times, been nipped, stamped on and kicked at, but, since she was near a horse, it NEVER hurt.  She also says she had lots of lovely rides, many loving nuzzles and lots of quality time with her equine friends.  Are you a horse lover? 

An old favorite by Marguerite Henry with superb pictures by Wesley Dennis

4 thoughts on “Believe It or Not, Regency Version”

  1. I do believe that story, but not because it involves horses. Instead because I know quite a bit about dislocations, having had my first shoulder dislocations when I was a little child.

    It is not until one moves the affected limb (or someone manipulates it, often called snapping it back into place) that a dislocated limb will go back to its right place. When she was dragged by the horse, the leg was stretched so that the femur was pulled back and when it went back, it went into the socket instead of being beside it.

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