Curiosity Corner – We Have a Winner!

Kat has correctly guessed that the sitter in the portrait above is Sarah Trimmer, author of children’s literature in the 18th Century. You can read more about Sarah here. Kat, email me and we’ll straighten out the shipping instructions. Congratulations!

Who is it?
The first person to correctly identify the sitter will win this poster of Elizabeth Farren by Sir Thomas Lawrence from the Regency Power and Brilliance exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London. 
Poster measures 20.5″ x 30″ or 510mm x 765mm

Please place your guess by using the “comments” link below this post.

Please Note: If you’re our winner, and you’re also a follower, there’s a second prize in store for you. Register now by using the link in the right sidebar under “Those Who Call Number One London Home.”

Good Luck!

Curiosity Corner – We Have a Winner!

Diane Gaston is the winner. Oh, Lord, Diane. I know just how you found out and I could kick myself. Sigh. You’re the winner, no matter your methods. Your loyalty to our blog excuses all and you’re certainly a clever puss. A wine cork retriever it is. And you can bet I won’t make THAT mistake again! Email me your snail mail and I’ll get the dvd out to you pronto. . . good guesses, Kat!  Thanks for playing everyone! Look for a brand new type of contest coming soon. Hint: Sharpen your pencils. 
The first person to correctly identify this item will win a DVD of the Amanda Root/Ciaran Hinds version of Persuasion. Please place your guess by using the “comments” link below this post.  

Please Note: Only registered followers of this blog shall be eligible to win. You may register now by using the link in the right sidebar under “Those Who Call Number One London Home.”

Good Luck!

Curiosity Corner – We Have a Winner!

What is it!?

A George IV sterling wine funnel, made by Joseph Angell London 1826.

I’m pleased as punch to announce that Louisa Cornell, one of our most loyal followers, made to correct guess below. While it’s noted as a wine funnel, rather than a strainer, Louisa’s guess is close enough for us. Here’s Louisa’s answer:

Is it a strainer of some sort? In looking at some old photos of my Mom’s china cabinet it looks like a piece my mother bought at an estate sale in England. She uses it to strain her tea as she makes it from the real thing – tea leaves, not tea bags. According to Judith Banister’s English Silver it might also be a wine strainer? Not sure I want to drink wine I have to strain. Tea is another matter altogether.

See I told you it would make me nuts. 

Louisa – You’re not nuts – you’re the winner! Email your snail mail address to me via the link in the left sidebar and I’ll send your Sense and Sensibility dvd on its way to you. Thanks to everyone for such enthusiastic guessing! 

And as I’d alluded to, Kat was the first winner, but disqualified herself. Here, at last, is her post received yesterday which couldn’t be aired, as it contained the answer:

It is a wine aerator/funnel. I make my own wine as a hobby. So i will not claim this prize.

The first person to correctly identify this item will win a DVD of the Emma Thompson version of Sense and Sensibility. Please place your guess by using the “comments” link below this post.

Please Note: Only registered followers of this blog shall be eligible to win. You may register now by using the link in the right sidebar under “Those Who Call Number One London Home.”

Good Luck!

The Curiosity Corner

Where, in London, was the picture below taken? You’ll have to make a lofty guess. If so, email us with your guess.The person with the first correct guess wins a copy of Kristine’s research CD containing both the Guide to Research and the London Almanac. Hint: it is not in the City of London proper, meaning the Square Mile.

We have a winner! Kathleen Hendeson correctly guessed the Kensington Roof Gardens, off Kensington High Street, a restaurant and entertainment venue owned by Richard Branson.

We will definitely have to make these harder from now on . . . . .