A few months ago, my pal Denise Costello led me to a fabulous blog called Cote de Texas, a lifestyle, decorating, design and all around wonderful site. Recently, Joni Webb, who writes and edits Cote de Texas, ran a really in-depth, well researched and visually stunning post on the sets used during the filming of The Crown, the Netflix series centered on Queen Elizabeth and the royal family that reached a staggering $100 million to produce, chiefly due to the fact that the production team were determined that the sets, costumes, jewels, cars and everything else connected with filming be historically correct.

For her recent post, Joni uncovers which historic locations stood in for Buckingham Palace and Clarence house, she looks into the attention to detail that is the hallmark of The Crown and also offers up some most amusing nuggets of behind-the-scenes on-dit.

Click here to read Behind the Sets of The Crown, which  appears to be just the first in a series of posts about The Crown, so don’t forget to follow the site while you’re there!


  1. Thanks for the mention, Kristine! I wonder how long it took Joni Webb to create that wonderful post? And it is just one of many. One of my other favorites of hers has Lee Radziwill as the subject. Cheers, Denise

  2. Thank you for telling me about Joni's blog, Denise! Will have to search her blog for older posts, those that were run before I came on board. Diane, didn't Joni do a fabulous job? As Denise said, this appears to be just the first in a promised series of posts, so we have more to look forward to in the near future.

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