Number One London is preparing a line up of new tours for 2017!
We don’t have details yet, as various components of the tours still have to be finalized. To that end, Kristine will be making the ultimate sacrifice – another trip to England beginning on May 1. 
Regency author Diane Gaston (Perkins) will be along for the ride. And I do mean ride. Whilst I’ll be busy attending to serious tour business, there’s no telling what Diane will be getting up to. I’ve travelled to England with Diane in the past – I know whereof I speak. Here’s the proof –
At Belvoir Castle, Diane picked up a pair of Highwaymen. 
Next thing I knew, she was taking riding lessons at The Jockey Club in Newmarket. 
She said it was all in the name of research, but I have my doubts. 
Check out her latest release and see if you can find any passages based on this “research.”
Diane and I will be visiting London, the Peak District, Derby and Brighton. Along the way, in addition to attending to business, we’ll be visiting with old friends, making new friends and business partners, attending the theatre, viewing stately homes, strolling a beach or two, checking out museums, taking a private tour of Buckingham Palace and seeing a few exhibitions. And yes, we will be re-visiting Apsley House. 
Of course, we’ll be taking new selfies all along the way. And while we’re in England, I’ll be regularly posting to social media so be sure to check my personal Facebook page and our Number One London Facebook page, as well as Twitter and Instagram.

Stay tuned for details on all 2017 Tours coming soon!


  1. Kristine, even though you posted that Jockey Club photo, I can't WAIT to get to England!!!! We've been obsessing about this since January, haven't we?
    We will have selfies galore and photos about EVERYTHING!!!

  2. Diane and I will be thinking of each of you every cold, rainy step of the way. Who could imagine such weather in May?! Lots of selfies to come, lots of fabulous stops along the way – we will keep you all apprised of our progress throughout!

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