Once again, Grosvenor Prints, London, has some eclectic and interesting new stock. Grosvenor Prints, in Seven Dials, is one stop I always make when in London. When there last, Vicky and I spent a few enjoyable hours pouring over their stock – she looking at fashion prints, whilst I combed through their Wellington files. Samples of their latest acquisitions for sale can be seen below. Click here to see all of their new listings.

Sketch of Bonaparte. As laid out on his Austerlitz Camp Bed, taken by Capt.n Marryatt R.N., 14 hours after his Decease, at the request of Sir Hudson Lowe, Governor of St Helena & with the permission of Count Montholon & General Bertrand. C. Hullmandel’s Lithography. London Published by S. & J. Fuller, 34 Rathbone Place, July 16 1821. Lithograph, fine, sheet Printed area 265 x 300mm, 10½ x 11¾”. Full uncut sheet bearing the embossed stamp for “S & J Fuller”. Napoleon died, reportedly of stomach cancer, on 5 May 1821 after six years in exile on St Helena. His body was buried first in the grounds of Longwood, his St Helena residence, before being brought back to France in 1840 to be ceremoniously reburied in Les Invalides. Marryat was a naval officer, and later the author of ‘Peter Simple, Mr Midshipman Easy’, and other popular seafaring novels, and later children’s books. At the time of Napoleon’s death he commanded the sloop ‘Beaver’, guardship at St Helena. When the ex-emperor died he carried the dispatches announcing the death back to England. The fact that Marryat visited and sketched Napoleon so soon after his death illustrates the continued fascination and emotion Napoleon evoked back in Britain, even after six years in remote exile away from the public glare. See NMM: PAF3523. {f: 21864] £280.00

To the Viscountess Canning This Portrait of The Right Honble. George Canning, M.P. Painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Principal Painter in Ordinary to His Majesty, Engraved by Charles Turner, A.R.A. Mezzotinto Engraver in Ordinary to His Majesty, Pall Mall East, London, Published April 9, 1829, by Messrs. Colnaghi Son & Co, Printsellers to the King. Mezzotint, final state, image 580 x 355mm. 22¾ x 14″. Some mould spots and foxing. Tatty and chipped margins.
Fine full-length portrait of statesman George Canning (1770 – 1827), Foreign Secretary, Prime Minister for 119 days, the shortest term ever. After Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 – 1830).
Whitman 95, v of v. [Ref: 21797] £280.00

A Cockatoo – Henry Rayner [signed in plate and in pencil to margin.] [n.d., c.1940.] Drypoint etching printed in colours, 170 x 125mm. 6¾ x 5″. A fine impression. A cockatoo is any of the 20 bird species belonging to the family Cacatuidae. Along with the Psittacidae family (the true parrots), they make up the order Psittaciformes. Cockatoos have a much more restricted range than the true parrots, occurring naturally only in Australia and nearby islands. Eleven of the 21 species exist in the wild only in Australia, while seven species occur in Indonesia, New Guinea, and other south Pacific islands. Henry Hewitt Redstone Rayner (1902 – 1957). Australian-born, he worked in the Antipodes before studying at the Royal Academy. He was a friend of Sickert. [Ref: 22521] £75.00

Viscountess Duncannon. Painted by Sir J. Reynolds P.R.A. Engraved by J. Grozer. Wm. Austin excudit. Published as the Act directs March 31st 1786 by Wm Austin Drawing Master, Engraver & Print Merchant No.195 Piccadily near St Jamess Church London. Mezzotint, final state with altered publication line, 390 x 275mm. 15¼ x 7″. A fine impression with full margins. Portrait of Henrietta Frances (‘Harriet’) Ponsonby (née Spencer), Countess of Bessborough (1761 – 1821), an amateur etcher; standing in a landscape, looking to the right, with flowers attached to the front of her shawl. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 – 1792). Hamilton p.96, III of III. CS: 8, iii/iii. [Ref: 22388] £280.00
Mary Isabella, Duchess of Rutland. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, & Engraved by the late J.K.Sherwin, Historical Engraver to his Majesty, & his royal highness the Prince of Wales, finish’d since his decease. London Published June 4th. 1791 by Robt. Wilkinson No. 58 Cornhill.
Engraving, very fine published state, 510 x 380mm. 20 x 15″ Mary Isabella Manners (née Somerset), Duchess of Rutland (1756 – 1831), politician and society hostess; seate
d to right with her head in profile, resting on her left hand, a book in her right; seascape through window behind. After Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 – 1792). Hamilton p.129. NPG D39956. [Ref: 21779] £320.00

A View of the Grand Fête on Parker’s Piece, Cambridge, To celebrate the Coronation of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, June 28th 1838. Number of Persons seated to Dinner 15,000, supposed number of Spectators 17,000, _ Total number present 32,000. [& Admission ticket] A Dinner Given to 12000 Persons on Parker’s Piece, Cambridge, June 28, 1838. In Commemoration of the Coronation of Her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria Queen. Drawn on the Spot & Lith.d by G Scharf. Metcalfe & Palmer, Lithog. Cambridge. [&] Rog. sculp.t. Cambridge. [n.d., c.1838.] Coloured lithograph. Printed area 185 x 270mm, 7¼ x 10½”. & engraved admission ticket on card very scarce, 115 x 150mm, 4½ x 6″. Binding folds, one split, tears in edges.
A formal dinner on Parker’s Piece, a 25-acre common near the centre of Cambridge, England, named after a college cook, Edward Parker, who obtained the rights to farm on it. [Ref: 22318] £160.00
Great! thanks for the share!